Football betting: the Footyforecast method

Soccer Betting is a series of articles describing some well-known and well-used statistical techniques that will help the soccer bettor make more informed bets. Each of the techniques has its own advantages and disadvantages and using them in isolation will improve your chances of winning. However, together they will prove invaluable in your battle with

A brief summary of the history of the triple jump

The athletic triple jump is known as the most athletic event in track and field. One person will start running down the track and magically do a long jump that sometimes looks like they are flying through the air and landing in the sandbox. The history of the triple jump left its mark thousands of

Los Angeles Lakers: From the bad days to now

You don’t have to follow basketball to know who the Los Angeles Lakers are. The Lakers are one of the best known teams in the NBA. They have a number of records, but throughout their history, there have been a number of bad years. Through good team selection and coaching, the team has struggled to

Creating an Effective Employee Performance Management System

If your employee performance management system is not effective, in other words, your managers are not living up to their responsibility to write, approve and submit performance reviews of your employees on time, this is the first question to ask yourself: What happens to the manager who won’t turn in all his appraisals on time?

All season cash fantasy football leagues

The daily/weekly fantasy football leagues get the most press today, but are still FAR in the minority of desired games that fantasy football participants like to play. Long before then, most people who play fantasy football will register their private, season-long fantasy football leagues and join their public, season-long fantasy football leagues. For those who

What is the best free online stock market game?

When searching for the best free online stock market game, you should look for three things: whether or not you are dealing with realistic stock market data, whether you can trade similar to how you would in real life, and whether there are any incentives to continue playing the game and keep it competitive with