Can I sue a bar for serving a drunk driver in Pennsylvania?

Under Pennsylvania Law, The Dram Shop Law, 47 PS Section 4-493.1 states that it is unlawful for any business to “sell, furnish, or give away any liquor or malted or brewed beverage, or permit any liquor or malted or brewed beverage to be sold.” , furnished, or given to any visibly intoxicated person.” In addition,

Federal Nursing Home Care Reform Act

A 1986 study by the Institute of Medicine concluded that many nursing home residents were being abused. This study spurred reform efforts that became law in 1987. The Nursing Home Reform Act was passed as part of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987. The aim of the reforms was to ensure that patients received

Gain communication freedom with SIM-free mobile phones

Every year, the mobile phone industry experiences a horizontal boom. But if we look back in the history of communication, we will come to know that the basic purpose of the invention of mobile phone was to fulfill the criteria of wireless communication from anywhere in the world while on the go. But with the

Pros and cons of eating chocolates

Hot chocolate, chocolate cake, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate brownies and the list is endless, especially for chocolate lovers, but do you really know what these chocolate treats can do for your health? First of all, we will talk about the positive effects or in other words the pros of eating these sweets. Scientific research has

Comparing MacBook Air vs. MacBook Pro

So you’ve seen the latest Apple Keynote and found Steve Jobs quite convincing when he introduced his latest creation, the MacBook Air. You are amazed by its design, but you still doubt because beauty comes at a price (and high too) and with reduced functionality. MacBook Air or MacBook Pro? If you are still undecided,

Why use software to catalog your antiques?

We collectors spend much of our time and resources collecting valuable antiques and other collectibles, but we don’t take the time to properly catalog them. Yes, it takes time to carefully document what we’ve collected, but the benefits will outweigh the costs for many of us. Like many people my age, I grew up with

10 Things You Need Before Writing an Apple App

You’ve seen the amazing statistics about Apple apps and how everyday people are finding success writing apps for the iPhone and iPad. Well, the first thing I can tell you is that you are right! Apple’s app store is taking the world by storm (exceeding more than 2 billion downloads). And my suspicion is that

What is 3GP?

The latest addition in the world of mobile communication technology is the 3G phone. This high-tech piece of telephony allows users to surf the Internet, share multimedia files, send and receive emails, and participate in video conferences, among other activities. 3G is short for 3rd generation and is sometimes referred to as the next generation