“Apples to Apples” – Tips for a Successful Painting Project

I am very relieved to meet more than one excellent painter whom I trust, whose presence in my home is at least pleasant and discreet, who is orderly and respectful of my personal environment. Personally, I’m more comfortable with someone who works out of my own home, or my clients’ homes, who has a fairly

Solid data on e-waste that should drive you to action

E-waste means Electronic waste in its entirety. In basic terms, it refers to all types of electrical and electronic equipment that could enter or have entered the waste stream. E-waste is a very general term, but it is considered to mainly cover computers, mobile phones, televisions and many household appliances. This field is growing rapidly

Negotiating with difficult people can be expensive and strange.

have you observed the cost you incur when negotiating with difficult people? Negotiating with these people can be strange from various perspectives. First, there’s the mental anguish of interacting with them. Next, there is physical anxiety that manifests itself in the form of stress. Then, there is the ‘lost time’ factor due to the mental

How to recover lagging body parts

In general, there are two ways to bring up overdue body parts: give them a higher priority or give them more work. Let’s take a look at both. higher priority The exercises you do first in your workouts receive the greatest training effect. Most people start their workouts with the biggest, strongest body parts. Try

RV in cold weather

There are many things to do and see in winter; beautiful winter scenery, snow skiing, hunting, snowmobiling and much more. It’s no wonder so many people enjoy using their RV all year long. Every year as winter approaches, I receive numerous emails requesting information on RV use in cold temperatures. One of the reasons I

One Man, One Woman, Two Weeks, and a $23K Profit

This is the story of a man, a woman, two weeks, and a profit of twenty-three thousand dollars. When I first started investing, I took real estate classes, read books and manuals, and listened to cassettes (yes, cassettes…what are those?!) constantly. He wanted to learn as much as he could and he wanted to earn

What are the whales in real estate investing?

We all know that whales are mammals that roam the seas and are generally very large. The size of aquatic whales is all they have in common with “land whales.” Land whales were originally designated as high rollers in various casinos around the world. They are generally big only in the sense of the large

The only way you can acquire capital for business opportunities

The only way you can acquire capital for business opportunities and have 100 percent ownership of your business is to be committed, dedicated, focused, and working hard to achieve your goal. There are other alternatives to obtain financing for a business in your country. Decide where and how to source funds to pay employees, rent

8 Undisclosed Dangers of Buying Homes in Foreclosure

Buying a home from foreclosure can seem like a business for life. What could be better than buying a home for a portion of the market value? Many people believe that some of these houses may even be too good to believe. Although these homes may seem like the deal of a lifetime, there are

REAL ESTATE: Something you may want to know

Real property means property consisting of land or buildings that also includes the natural resources of the land including uncultivated flora and fauna, crops and livestock, water and minerals, simply speaking any improvement thereon. Tenants and renters may have the right to occupy or make use of anything that is within the domain of the