When the pain of a nightingale left me helpless

She left me chaotic. I was hurt. My past life was not pleasant. It was the owner who helped my mother raise me after he killed my father. He was fond of divination and lured my mother by promising that she would be the heir to his property. He handled poisonous snakes. He closed his

What to look for when buying a snake

The first and most important ingredient in choosing the right snake is the health of the animal. Once that is out of the way, a number of other elements enter the equation. Species, age, temperament, color, pattern, sex, feeding habits, and price are points to think about when looking for a snake. Health If you

What is a silly labrador retriever?

Although many people think that all Labrador Retrievers look similar, the truth is that we are like people! We can develop with different colors, facial features, and bone structure. These traits can be the result of selective breeding, as many Labradors are selectively bred for use as show dogs (requiring certain appearance characteristics). Appearance characteristics

The Paddy Melon Labradoodle – What Makes It Unique?

Since the Labradoodle began to gain prominence, several different variations in breed size have become available. The latest and by far the smallest in the world is the Paddy Melon Labradoodle. There is only one breeder in the world that offers this highly desirable variation of the “pure” Labradoodle. Purposely bred and developed, these dogs

The Australian Silky Terrier: a snake killer?

The Australian Silky Terrier is believed to have been bred by crossing the Yorkshire Terrier with the Australian Terrier. This mixture of the two breeds was intended to produce a toy dog ​​with the gentle qualities of a small domestic pet and the inquisitive character and hunting ability of a terrier. Families that have Silkies

Bluey – Oldest Australian Cattle Dog on Record

The oldest dog on record was an Australian Cattle Dog named Bluey. Bluey lived almost 30 years. That figure is in human years. Mature dogs faster than humans. According to canine age experts, a one-year-old dog is about 15 years old in equivalent human years. The average life expectancy of the Australian The cattle dog

Animal abuse: when will it be taken seriously?

You’ve probably heard the names of Bundy, Dahmer, Gacy; All the names of notorious killers and what do they all have in common? They started out as animal abusers. What about the names? Kip Kinkle and Luke Woodham or Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold? Not so well known except in some circles and in the

Cocker Spaniel Digging and How to STOP IT!

Is your Cocker Spaniel digging your yard and making it look like the surface of the moon or an open pit mining excavation? Changes in which you are likely to feel frustrated, upset, and powerless watching your puppy do his thing. Digging is a natural instinctual behavior. All dog breeds have a fixation on digging,