The fun of collecting nostalgic toys

What do the toys we all love have? Yes, they are fun, entertaining and can spark creativity in both young and old. Toys have a way of sparking special memories that evoke many emotions. Perhaps the toys remind you of a time when life was simpler, without stress, where you were surrounded by friends and

Taboos in Manipur

Taboo is a prohibited activity, something that is not allowed, something that opposes social approval and is not allowed by the rules of conduct. They are complete restrictions or prohibitions to say or do something. It deals with the social and cultural aspects of life. Manipur society is rich in taboos, which makes the people

5 ways to treat wrinkles on your face

Sun damage, stress, age, excessive work routines, sugar consumption, smoking, excess alcohol, cause wrinkles on the face and make you look much older. We can ‘streamline’ the aging process for you. Have you seen the beautiful soft-skinned women from Japan and Korea? They undergo many skin treatments on a regular basis, including a similar diet

The Narcissist: A Boundless Golden Child

When we struggle with grandiose, ruthless, and self-proclaimed narcissists in our personal and professional lives, we ask ourselves, “How did this person become such a self-absorbed, unempathetic, and deceitful individual?” The answer is not in the stars or in genetics as far as we currently know. The narcissist’s personality develops very early in childhood as

Marketing TikTok 101

When pop-feeling Taylor Swift dropped her single “Me” in April 2019, the tune instantly went viral. Includes Brenden Urie from Stress! In The Disco and the music, the film is between the two of them dancing and singing in a kaleidoscope of light colors. Shortly after the release, Swift’s TikTok accounts posted a clip on

Pizza Hut Review

Pizza Hut for me and my family is a staple. They have been in operation for over 50 years and I have been a patron for 30 of those years. Forget Zwieback teething toast, I cut my teeth on Pizza Hut pizza dough. For about 10 years straight, Friday nights at my house were Pizza

What if my girlfriend is in love with my dad?

Imagine that your girlfriend is in love with your dad. Can you imagine anything worse? Sure, it’s a horrible situation for a young guy, but these kinds of crushes can be handled if you use the right combination of sensitivity and authority. If your girlfriend is in her teens or early twenties, the chances of

German shepherd dog food recipes

German Shepherds live a very active life. Most of the time, it’s worth giving a dog his dog days to fill up on gourmet meals! Here are some German Shepherd dog food recipes that your dog will really love. recipe one Ingredients: 2.5 kilograms of beef (ground) 1.25 kilograms of chicken (ground) 1.25 kilograms turkey