How to Talk Dirty to a Guy: A Man’s Point of View

How to talk dirty to a guy? Where should I start? What vocal tone should I use? How exactly should it sound coming from me? These are all questions that haunt the minds of many women. The truth of the matter is that learning how to talk dirty to a guy is very simple and

The best ways to learn Hindi fast!

If it were a numbers game, Hindi would be the second most important language to learn after Chinese. This is because Hindi is the second most widely spoken language in the world with over 500 million speakers. Hindi is spoken not only in India, but also in South Africa, Botswana, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Apart from

"The feather men" by Sir Ranulph Fiennes – Book Review

Book Review – The Pen Men by Sir Ranulph Fiennes. Bloomsbury Publishing, London, 1991. This thought-provoking biography details Middle Eastern beliefs regarding revenge killings. The culture of the Middle East is dominated by tribal clans and their “eye for an eye” belief is deeply ingrained in their way of life. This is one of those

What to do if you are falsely accused of attempted murder

The most serious crime someone can be charged with is murder, and it is one that cannot be taken lightly. Attempted murder is defined as a crime in which someone was attacked with the intent to take their life, but the victim survived despite this. This is also a very serious charge, and if you

Dear Lord Jesus

There are times when I just can’t get over a song, especially a song with a real message. This song will make anyone cry, I guarantee it. it was around the Christmas vacation in 1989, that I recorded this song from the radio. This was before I discovered CDs. I did a lot of radio

The main myths of traffic tickets

Officers will not appear in court around a holidayMany people believe that if you schedule a court date before or after a holiday, the officer is less likely to show up. Once you have entered a “not guilty” plea and have scheduled your case for trial, the court issues a summons ordering the officer to

How to Create a Compelling Branding Pitch for Your Job Search

The tone of the elevator. You are probably familiar with the term. It is most commonly used to describe the concise 60-second speech that business owners and executives, as well as marketers, use to describe their business, product, or service to others. More importantly, it’s a pitch that’s delivered in a compelling way that outlines

Use of the “wired” court reporter

(The original of the following article was published in the Milwaukee Law Journal in 2002. Following are innovative changes in technology and process since the original publication.) The introduction of computers to the court reporting industry in the mid-1970s opened the door to many new reporting products and services and is ultimately creating greater capacity

Yummy Yummy: Wiggles’ 7 Best Business Lessons

At Macquarie University in the early 1990s, three Australian early childhood education students, Murray Cook, Greg Page and Anthony Field, decided they had an urge to dress in brightly colored suits, red, yellow and blue (respectively). that look like the uniforms from the original “Star Trek” series. It wasn’t long before Anthony Field’s bandmate in