Can change happen in an instant?

You hear motivational speakers say it all the time, but many still wonder if change can happen in an instant. This is a story of how quickly change can happen even when you’re not looking for it. At the Chicago projects late one night, everyone in the house was asleep except for a nine-year-old girl.

5 Reasons One Should Always Hire a Child Support Lawyer

Anyone with child custody issues should never tackle these legal proceedings alone. Hiring a reputable Gaithersburg child support attorney is always the best decision one can make for themselves and their children. With an attorney by your side, the resolution of your case can lead to a much better outcome. Parents who are hesitant to

The Renaissance, Cancer and the New Patterns of Space-Time

Buckminster Fuller used Plato’s concept of spiritual or holographic engineering principles to derive his synergistic life energy principles. As a consequence, this logic balanced the current understanding of the second law of thermodynamics by the fixed scientific worldview. This is evident now that Platonic principles have become basic to the Fullerene chemistry developed by the

Keep your home clean with professional carpet cleaning

Many people think that if you have allergies or asthma, carpeting is out of the question. Some even take them out of the house if they start having trouble breathing. However, such extreme measures are often unnecessary. Carpets that are kept in good condition have been shown to produce better air quality than hard floors.

My review of Johann Hari’s book, Chasing the Scream

The opposite of addiction is not sobriety, it is connection. ~Johann Hari~ I discovered the existence of this book several days after a certain president announced his opinion that drug traffickers should be executed. He would have felt an affinity with Harry Anslinger, the main architect and champion of the war on drugs that took

9 Universal Fashion Hacks For Every Curvy Girl

Fashion is your personal statement, whether you follow runway trends or not. While styling is all about looking glamorous, you also need to keep an eye on your comfort factor. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that the fashion world is biased towards petite women. They surely have more brands, trends and options compared to