Search Engine Marketing: Is It More Effective Than SEO?

Many of us think that search engine marketing (SEM) or paid search advertising and search engine optimization (SEO) are the same thing. But are they the same? they are not SEM is basically a type of internet marketing. Here, you promote a website by increasing its visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs), mainly through

The 10 Best Content Marketing Tools

1. Gorkan By using the search function in the database, you can segment your search and find the most appropriate journalists and bloggers to communicate with. To save you the paint job of tracking sites looking for your contact details. The beauty of the gorkana is that it will give you all the information you

Sylvie Fortin Confronts More Internet Marketing Sins

The final part of Sylvie Fortin’s Internet Marketing Sins it’s a two-and-a-half-hour slideshow, organized into manageable chunks that retain its flavor even if you need multiple sessions to digest it all. Giving voice to such an incendiary industry topic lends authenticity to Fortin’s tirade and shows the audience that he isn’t hiding behind his words.

How to do off-page SEO

Off-Page SEO Benefits for Website Owners Rise in rankings If off-page SEO is done correctly, it helps drive more traffic to the website and thus affects our ranking on the search engine results page. Increase Page Rank Page rank refers to the recognition of your website in the eyes of Google. External SEO helps Google

Building your brand with 4 simple questions

The brand can be a powerful tool in the development of your business. You can increase your recognition and successfully differentiate you from your competitors. An effective brand can also communicate your value proposition, clarify your niche, and help you demonstrate your expertise to potential customers. You can build a successful brand by answering 4

Reduce information and increase engagement

The conference speaker was sharing the results of a three-year research project. Innovative and brilliant research that was extremely relevant to all who attended. This was enough to get everyone’s attention, although he seemed to be reading his slides, each of which contained eight to ten bullet points with fairly long sentences. By the fifth

Create brand loyalty

All companies have a brand, whether they realize it or not. Having a brand is an inevitable consequence of being in business. A positive brand builds brand loyalty. If properly managed, brand loyalty is a powerful source of sustained profitability. However, very few business leaders know how to maintain brand loyalty among their customers. They

Using social networks to increase blog traffic for free

If you are looking for free ways to increase blog traffic and how to use social media to increase traffic, you must read this. As social networks become increasingly crowded with users around the world, many marketers and businesses (such as McDonald’s) are using Facebook to maximize their potential. By using social media to increase

Increase your SEO with negative keywords: how?

we have been there Relax! Panic begins to set in. Reviews can help you rank on search engines. While most of us would like to receive positive testimonials, the bad ones are not as bad as you might think. Let me explain why. After months of work, you launch a new service or product and,