The practice of Islam in public schools

Public schools in the United States can often appear hostile to Muslims. However, legally this should not be the case. The First Amendment prohibits public schools, like other government institutions, from discriminating on the basis of religion and supporting or suppressing any particular religious belief. This means that students in public schools have religious rights

What tax records should I keep?

Worried about the amount of time to keep your personal income tax records? Sometimes taxpayers are required to submit these documents when the government reviews or audits a filed return or is trying to levy or collect taxes. In addition, these documents are required by creditors, homeowners associations, other interested parties who have requirements to

Smart Investment Strategies for Conservative Investors in 2018

As we enter 2018, investors are reflecting on the investment decision they made in previous years. There are several considerations, especially with various unknowns based on domestic and geopolitical realignments that could have an adverse impact on investment portfolios. In a long-term, low-risk investment season, here are some of the smart investment strategies for conservative

Head Office Tax Tips

Working from home can offer some attractive tax advantages. If you qualify for the home office deduction, you can deduct all direct expenses and some of your indirect expenses related to working from home. However, keep in mind that qualifying for such deductions became more difficult under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017

Seven of the most common mistakes with fire evacuation drills

First of all, there is not enough pre-planning for the fire drill. Best practice is to give at least three months’ advance notice of a fire evacuation drill to those responsible and to follow up with two discreet reminders to ensure business units or tenants are adequately prepared. For the fire drill to be as

Top 7 Photography Apps for Your Smartphones and Tablets

Advanced mobile technology has allowed us to get the most out of our smartphones and tablets. In addition to sending SMS, making calls and browsing, smartphones can now be used as substitutes for digital cameras. Many people who own tablets also use their devices to take pictures. Although these devices cannot really compare to high-end

Biblical principles in the workplace

Many of the principles used in business today date back to the Bible. Though subtle, often paraphrased, and even partially cited, biblical principles play a valuable role in both society and today’s workplace. Without a doubt, there are legal and ethical bases for not mixing work and religion. While some believe that “religion” in any

Real Estate Broker Requirements: The Qualifications

The requirements of the real estate broker will give you an idea that going from a career to becoming a real estate agent is quite easy. In fact, the ratings don’t vary much from state to state because the demands are pretty much the same as well. Although no particular degree may be required to

3 Reasons No Contract Cell Phones Are Getting More Popular

Having a cell phone in your place is certainly a vital necessity. However, it is no longer necessary to subscribe to the expensive and long-term contracts offered by different mobile phone operators. A common option for new customers is to consider the availability of pay-as-you-go plans, as they offer a variety of benefits. These are

Will Rising Oil Prices Finally Help Green Businesses?

All indications are that the second half of 2009 saw oil prices continue to rise and many experts believe triple-digit prices per barrel will once again be the norm. Oil futures on the New York Mercantile Exchange have risen more than 50% since early 2009. Higher gas prices should prompt experts to predict that the