Forex Brokers – Choosing the Right brokers in US

Forex Brokers There are many more brokers out there who can assist you in the foreign exchange market. You may ask what it takes for a broker to be able to help you trade. It really depends on the type of broker that you choose to work with, but there are some basic things that

How to finally start profiting from stock market trading

After 15 years of actively trading the stock market, here are 6 things I have learned that will help you become a much more consistent and profitable trader. 1. Trade only fast-moving trends. Our ability to profit from the stock market depends more on this decision than any other: ONLY trade in long-term, fast-moving trends.

How to choose a domain name: 8 tips

For many who do not know what a domain name is, it is the online address or the URL of a website. It is the string of characters that an Internet user types in the search bar of the browser to reach your site. It acts as the identity of your website and therefore choosing

How to Conduct a Shocking Media Interview

The press release has been issued to the media and they are now calling for an interview. Do you pick up the phone and start talking? No. Take a few minutes to read this article and learn some techniques to make sure your media interview is impactful. Preparation is the key to a successful media

The definition of sales: definition of professional selling

Before defining the professional sale. Let’s look at some of the related professions. Below are some definitions of professions / occupations that relate to professional selling from Wikipedia: Marketing It is defined as a continuous process of planning and executing the marketing mix (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) of products, services or ideas to create exchange

The role of a business attorney and how to find one

Although many corporations often use attorneys to help with the incorporation process, many startups often ignore the ongoing legal requirements to maintain their corporation status. Annual meetings of shareholders, directors and associates must be held, in addition to the recording of minutes and the appointment of officers must be in accordance with state regulations. Neglecting

Top 3 Tax Problems for Truckers

Every tax season, thousands of truck drivers leave hundreds of thousands of dollars in tax deductions on the table. This is largely due to inadequate planning and poor accounting. Additionally, many tax professionals do a poor job of properly informing truckers of the different tax exemptions available to them. Truck drivers have access to many

Original Oil Painting – The Scream

Original Oil Painting The Scream painting is by Norwegian Expressionist painter Edvard Munch. The original German name given to his painting was Der Schrei der Natur och Skaag. In English, the painting is called The Scream. It is sometimes referred to as Munch’s Folly. The name of the painting has been related to the story

Differentiation strategies for franchised companies

With the increasing number of franchise offerings recently, it is difficult for smaller franchise companies to compete. They typically don’t have the advertising budgets to choose which markets the franchise’s prospects will call. Many are based solely on Internet marketing; sadly, 80% of these leads are not that good. In addition to this obstacle, they

5 best wealth books ever written

1. Think and get rich Originally published in 1937, this classic best-seller is arguably one of the best wealth books ever written. This book helped millions of people around the world achieve their dreams. The author, Napoleon Hill, spent his entire life researching the world’s most successful, wealthy, and powerful people, including Henry Ford, Andrew