Why email is the most convenient form of communication

Electronic mail is the electronic mail system of information transmission and allows people to be connected throughout the world, through the use of a system of protocols and a set of programs that allow people to transmit and receive information. It’s fun to imagine the long way we’ve come in the last 10 or 15

Asset Financing: Leasing on Loans

Asset leasing provides unique alternatives to traditional financing for companies to obtain the necessary equipment for their operations. The lease of assets is done as an operating lease or a capital lease. Each option has its own effect on the company’s balance sheet, but both give the company additional options to finance the assets needed

Application of the hearsay evidence rule in debt collection

‘Hearsay’, as we know, is exactly what it means; what we hear another person say or what someone from another third party hears. These terms are used primarily in legal language in court hearings of evidence and testimony provided by witnesses other than the actual deponent, statements that are cross-examined by attorneys and prosecutors. In

Entrepreneurs: Know yourself before building your small business

In an uncertain global economy, when employers and employees feel no loyalty to each other and rarely care about each other’s interests, entrepreneurship can seem like a dream come true. However, not all personalities are ideal for the entrepreneurial lifestyle. Although there may be more than one path to business success, these five traits are

Computer Appreciation for Beginners (Part 1)

For those who really want to become perfect in computer operation and understanding, this article which will come in ‘parts’ will guide you smoothly from the basics of computer to the complex use of software in the system. Before one begins to use the programs in the system, he or she wants to understand the

Application surveys and their benefits

If you want to determine the success of your business or any product, you need to get customer feedback and conduct market research. If you are ready to launch a new product in the market and want to know the opinions of the public, the survey is the best option to get instant feedback. With

Can a company be ethical and successful?

This question has been bothering me for some time. I say concerning, not because I personally have any doubts that business and ethics can and should co-exist for a company to be successful. I say this because reality shows that, despite the fact that most companies in the corporate world have their so-called “Code of

Should you open your own online store?

The economic recovery for most is much slower than the news would have you believe. Many people ask, “How can I supplement my income so that I can provide more for my family?” The perceived hot trend to achieve this goal is to do business on the Internet, but it is not as easy as