Night of Blood: The Legend of Mary Hatchet (2009)

Blood Night: The Legend of Mary Hatchet is a 2009 horror film distributed by Aspect Film. It stars Bill Moseley as Graveyard Gus, Danielle Harris as Alissa, Nate Dushku as Alex, and Samantha Facchi as Mary “Hatchet” Mattock. It is written by Frank Sabatella and Elke Blasi. The director is Sabatella. In the late 1970s,

The 7 mistakes all emotionally abused women make

Battered women blame themselves for many things. That is the inevitable consequence of domestic violence. In this article we will focus on just one aspect of domestic violence; that is mental and emotional abuse. Generally, the things that women who have experienced domestic violence blame themselves for fall into one of two categories: things that

Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?

Have you ever heard the statement why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free? What the hell does a cow have to do with men anyway? Let’s explore the meaning of this statement and how it relates to your life. This statement is an analogy for relationships. Who would buy a

10 famous celebrities who wear blue contact lenses!

Celebrities create their own brand by identifying with a particular appearance. For example, some are well known for the blue color of their eyes. What a lot of people don’t know is that many of those celebrities don’t have blue eyes by nature, but instead wear blue contact lenses! Here is a list of ten

Gift ideas for a boyfriend who is a metrosexual guy

Style, class, and manners are qualities that are important to some men. If your man exhibits these characteristics, then he is considered to be in the Modern Metrosexual category. In times past, this type of man would have been called a knight. While some men scoff at this title, others embrace it. Many women admire

The best karaoke songs of 2011: country and pop

Another year has passed, so it’s a good time to review the year and see which songs top the sales of the year 2011. As we mentioned in our review last year, there are similar criticisms. Ours is different because it shows what people wanted to sing last year and not just what they wanted

O-Back: Integration, Soccer Style

Ball carriers and offensive linemen have different jobs. They have independent skill sets that are needed to help a soccer team be successful. Although these skill sets are independent of each other, they do not have to be mutually exclusive for each group. Walter Jones, a former offensive lineman for the Seattle Seahawks, will likely

The actor’s closet

For those in the film industry, costume refers to the costume or outfit that an actor, performer, or extra wears while on a television or movie set. These outfits can be everyday clothes to store costumes or those costumes made from scratch. When an actor auditions for a role, they will fill out and fill