Young women and addiction

Physical dependence and addiction are a serious threat to the health of anyone who abuses drugs, but these threats are often more serious for young women than for other groups of people. In fact, in his book Women and Addiction in the United States, Dr. Stephen R. Kandall states that “women’s drug use is due

The best travel destinations in the world

Singapore it is the vibrant and energetic city where East meets West with the traditional and the modern. It is one of the world’s financial centers and famous for its world-class shopping, modern architecture, and delicious cuisine. Lion City offers a unique experience for every visitor, from colorful ethnic festivals to lively nightlife. Singapore the

How to choose different types of pet accessories

For pets to live happily, they will need some accessories. Whether at home or on the road, pets need to look good and be comfortable at the same time. That said, it is your duty as a pet owner to decide what kind of accessories best suit your pet. Therefore, you should look for information

Billy Mays – Mighty Putty Rhetoric

(Editorial note: I know this should be from a “preferably written” source, but I felt this option was too tempting to turn down. The script was certainly written anyway, as in a song.) Modern advertising is full of rhetoric, and Billy Mays is an icon of modern advertising. His familiar loud voice and his brown

Material Girl – Add some cool 80’s style baubles to your prom look

What do you think when you look back to the 80s? Probably Madonna, dancing in period costume and singing upbeat songs. Maybe Pat Benatar, singing mighty hymns. Better yet, you may remember Molly Ringwald in The Breakfast Club, with her perfect hair and sleek style of hers. If you’re one of this year’s prom-goers, chances

Pros and Cons of Save the Date Wedding Magnets

The date has been set, but there are still a million other things to organize before the invitations are sent out, so how can you make sure your key guests know the date as quickly as possible? Save the date greetings now come in a variety of styles, from wedding magnets to cards, notes and

bedding options

choices If there is one thing that is constant in the world, it is that we all have choices. Some options are very easy: paper or plastic, black or white socks today, take the scenic route home, or fight traffic. Some options are a bit more difficult: boxers or briefs (for men, this is a