High Adventure Hazard: Altitude Sickness

Every year there are thousands of hikers who go around the world with the sole purpose of finding adventure in the heights. Adventure is certainly to be found, but it comes along with the dangers posed by such altitudes. One of those dangers is altitude sickness, which if ignored or left untreated can be fatal.

Simple ways to prevent water damage in the kitchen

There are things that will happen in your home throughout your life that will have negative effects on your attitude. An accidental event here or there will occasionally put a damper on your day. Nothing truer can be said for the effects water damage can have on your home. In fact, experiencing water damage in

The 6 Best Types of Food for Good Sex

Improving your sex life can be much easier. No need to gorge yourself on those mostly medically unproven aphrodisiacs. What you need to do to have a strong sex life is simply let your body digest a wide range of vitamins and nutrients from your daily diet. The basic requirement for a healthy sex life

The 5 Most Dangerous Cricket Grounds In The World

Cricket may be a gentleman’s game involving a bat and ball, but the outcome of the game is the culmination of a myriad of factors and not just the action of the batsmen and bowlers. Elaborately speaking, various factors like weather, soil, pitch, dew, all of these are responsible for determining which team would win

music licensing companies

Revenues from the music industry have experienced steady growth over the past decade, and experts project that they will stay that way for the foreseeable future. The numbers may rise with the growing popularity of streaming among the younger generation. As physical sales declined in early 2010, other outlets emerged, and millions of independent musicians

Interior design ideas for modern houses

Interior design is the most interesting concept that is the subject of much enjoyment for home owners and builders. If you like to play with floors, ceilings, kitchen area, laundry area, furniture and spaces, interior design is for you. Today, it has greatly revolutionized and homeowners along with builders are designing innovative and creative interiors

Angels – Angel Prince of the South Kerkoutha

When I think of the South, it brings to mind the rays of the sun that give light, warmth, strength and a feeling of well-being. South is also about being grounded due to its position, at what appears to be the bottom of the Wheel of the Four Winds. Kerkoutha is the Prince of the

St. Patrick’s Day is himself… all things Irish

Celebrate your Irish heritage on St. Patrick’s Day. In my hometown, large family gatherings happen on March 17, uniting mothers and sisters, fathers and brothers, aunts, uncles, and cousins. In my hometown, we celebrate our Irish heritage with fun and affordable celebrations for the whole family. All of the St. Patrick’s Day festivities originate from

How to Record Xbox Gameplay Without Modifying Your System

So you’re sick of spending money and want to learn how to record Xbox gameplay by yourself. The problem here is that all games now come with this special code that prevents people from making copies. However, the good thing is that there are ways around this. Basically, you have two options when it comes