Skyrim Dragonborn DLC

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was a monumental achievement in the world of serious gamers, and even in the world of casual gamers. This mega-popular game was released over a year ago, but that doesn’t mean Bethesda would let you forget about it. No, this game was not meant to stay on the shelf. Bethesda

3 ways to lose excess weight

Okay, here’s a little experiment to try. In a random survey of people you know today, ask them two questions. 1. How do you feel about your body? 2. What about your weight? Do you want to lose, gain or maintain your current weight? About 4 out of 5 will complain about how much more

Learn when to use less used punctuation marks

Everyone is familiar with the most commonly used punctuation marks: the comma, the period, and the question mark. However, many people do not use the semicolon, colon, hyphen, parentheses, bracket, ellipsis, and slash when typing as much as they do with other punctuation marks. One reason could be not knowing when to use these less

German Shepherd Puppy Training for Protection Dogs

German Shepherd puppies are among the most intelligent and powerful dog breeds. They are large animals with a strong inclination to obey orders. Training them to represent as protection dogs requires considerable commitment and attention on your part. You have to remember that according to their canine intelligence, they would only listen to you when

The cost of granite countertops

The beauty, toughness and usefulness of granite makes it a highly desirable material for countertops in home design. In addition to its natural strength, granite is a beautiful stone that adds color and warmth to a room. Although the cost of adding granite countertops to any new kitchen or remodel can be quite high, they

Which streaming service is better?

Our definition of television has changed over the years. It used to be that you could only watch television on your television. If you wanted to see a movie in those early days, you actually had to drive to the store to buy or rent a DVD. Thanks to high-speed internet, we can now stream

Latest international cost of living ranking

The ranking of general international cost of living indices is reported in April 2010 using New York as the base city. The indices are calculated using the prices of specific quantities of the same goods and services at each location, based on expatriate spending patterns across 13 broad categories (basket groups). The cost of living

Hindi Phrases to Learn Before Going to India

Basic Hindi phrases are a must in your repertoire if you are visiting India, be it for a few months or on vacation. Going to a country where your mother tongue is not your primary language can be intimidating and a bit scary. Don’t worry, these are some of the most common Hindi phrases with