Top 3 Causes of Tonsil Stones – Plus, Get Rid of Them Forever!

Health Fitness

Tonsil stones destroy lives. As dramatic as it may sound, those little white dots at the back of your throat will probably make you shy away from social situations, embarrassed by your bad breath. Just a simple tonsil stone causes anxiety and shyness. Although it rarely hurts, you may constantly feel self-conscious about your breath, seeking remedies and trying different medications to get rid of them. Well, you are not alone. Tonsillitis is extremely common.

Learning about the causes of tonsil stones will ultimately help you in your quest to return to a normal life.

They are basically a mixture of mucus, bacteria, small food particles. Naturally found in the throat, each of these ingredients get trapped in tiny pockets on the surface of the tonsils and mix together to create the characteristic white spots that cause associated problems.

The 3 most common causes of tonsil stones are:

bacteria Everyone has oral bacteria, it helps break down food and is present in our saliva. Bad bacteria can be banished by practicing good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth often, preferably after eating, and use a mouthwash to help keep your bacteria healthy.

Diet. A poor diet has also been attributed to causes of tonsil stones. Eating healthy food is extremely important. It has also been suggested that dairy products may be associated with the development of tonsillitis.

Genetics. Health problems are often genetic, tonsillitis is no exception. If you have a history of tonsillitis in your family, chances are you do too. Now, unfortunately there’s not much you can do about it, but if you’re unlucky enough to have tonsil stones in your genes, or for any other reason, help is at hand.

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