Relationship Advice: Think Alike or Think Together

Lifestyle Fashion

“The goal in marriage is not to think alike, but to think together.” -Robert C. Dodds

Do you know that some people believe that to get along you have to think like the other person? Well, the good news is that you don’t have to think alike, you just need to learn to think together.

Where did we get the idea that to have a successful relationship two people have to think exactly alike? Think about it, are two people with different life experiences from two different families going to agree on everything…?

I do not think. However, this expectation causes many problems for couples.

If both people think exactly the same about all things, then one of them is expendable.

Although it is good and necessary to agree on something, the good news is that we do not always have to think alike.

However, we need to learn to think together in order to have a long-term sustainable relationship.

An important part of this is taking the strengths of one person and the strengths of another person, and combining them in a way that makes them stronger together than either could be alone.

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