Kiss as human communication

Arts Entertainments

HUMAN beings can sometimes communicate through signs and gestures in a relationship, especially between a man and a woman, through looking deep into each other’s eyes.

The art of love and kissing is important in any relationship, and if given space, it can create a certain chemistry that lights the flames of love.

Sometimes we communicate in our relationships without saying a single word.
Communication is important not only in love, but also in work and other professions one may find themselves in. As in any profession, communication between lovers is important to cement your relationship and stay close.

The shape of your partner’s lips and the way they move when smiling, laughing, or having a conversation can make someone fall head over heels for you.

Kissing has been perceived as a lavish party and food for one’s relationship. It is not clear how the action itself arose as non-verbal communication. One thing from time immemorial is that loved ones have been kissing since around the caveman period.

The kissing culture varies depending on the tribes from time to time. Easterners greet each other by brushing lips on either side of the cheeks and Westerners greet each other by brushing lips even with married women.

Fathers often show their sons love by kissing their foreheads, however, some men from various congregations greet each other by kissing the back of the hand.

In the holy writing (The Bible) one of the followers of Jesus as a traitor, Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus through “kisses”. There is a need as human beings to use experiences and knowledge when sealing our relationships to ask if your kiss is genuine or betrayal.

The kiss between lovers is driven by passion, love, excitement and submission.

Sometimes the saliva if it resurfaces in large doses can spoil everything.

Those who kiss must take care of their mouths from bad odor and keep their teeth clean.
With the prevalence of HIV/AIDS, it is unclear if it is the safest form of intimacy that can be practiced around the world. There have been some rumors circulating that good kissers are the best at upping the adult game.

Through the kiss I observed that even in the expression of love we can communicate in silence, which can cause chills and leave us fragile. There are no scales to rate if a person is the best or the least kisser, unless your partner has the stick to do it hahahaha!

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