How to seduce a woman directly in your bedroom


When seducing girls, you must have only one goal in mind: to change her reality and make it seem like you are the only guy who can satisfy her, physically and emotionally. To truly seduce a girl, serious skills would be needed. It is not easy, but if you keep reading, you will discover several tips that can help you become an expert seduction artist in no time.

How to make girls want to get into bed with you: discover amazing techniques to get her to bed

Technique 1: Don’t try to get your phone number. Get an appointment.

If you choose to ask a girl for her number, there’s a good chance the attraction levels will just dissipate. The problem here would be that she might meet a lot of other guys before you talk to her again and they may be more impressive than you, causing her to totally lose interest in what you have to offer. If you ask her out on a date right away, on the other hand, you’ll have a chance to jump-start things right away by inviting her elsewhere.

Technique 2: Create a mysterious person.

When you meet a girl, get on exactly the same wavelength, so it feels like you’ve known each other for a long time. After she has an image of you being a sweet and sensitive boy in her head, do something totally unexpected. Hug or kiss her passionately to put her in a loop. After that, she will have seen two completely different sides of you, which will intrigue her and increase the overall attraction.

Technique 3: Hypnotize her with subtle seduction.

Seductive hypnosis, or “splitting,” would be a quick way to make girls totally fall in love with you. Related to the field of NLP, it works by sending girls on an exciting thrill ride while you talk for a bit. Done right, it can connect any positive feelings he has for you and make him feel like his world would end without you.

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