Celebrities and their Chihuahuas

Arts Entertainments

Celebrities and their Chihuahuas have become quite the craze in recent years. It seems that the popularity of these little dogs began with the Chihuahua that appeared in the famous Taco Bell commercials. Then of course came Reese Witherspoon in the big screen movie Legally Blonde with her little friend Bruiser. At the peak of the madness was none other than Paris Hilton when she appeared on the cover of Seventeen magazine with her Chihuahua Tinkerbell.

However, these celebrities weren’t the first to love this incredibly loyal and easy-care dog; Marilyn Monroe had one of her own that she called ChooChoo. Many stars now have their own Chihuahuas, and some have many more than one. Rod Stewart’s daughter was seen playing on the beach in a blue bikini with her Chihuahuas, and Brian Littrell was photographed with his wife and two Chihuahuas. The beloved American Idol judge Paula Abdul has two Chihuahuas named Tumbellina and Tulip.

Madonna and Hillary Duff have a Chihuahua named Chiquita. These are just a few of the many celebrities who have Chihuahuas. Chihuahuas make wonderful pets for celebrities because they travel well and are so easy to care for. Chihuahuas require extremely low maintenance and love being around a person or family. They hardly ever run away because they are very happy to be with people rather than other animals. They can also be easily carried on the shoulder or in bags made for small dogs, which is another reason why they are a popular choice with so many celebrities.

Chihuahuas were first discovered in the early 1800s along the Arizona-Mexico border and were first called Arizona dogs. It wasn’t until later that it was discovered that the dogs actually came from the Chihuahua region of Mexico that they got their name from. That seems to have sucked for them even now that we are in the 21st century. Chihuahuas were originally believed to be a cross between a rodent and a dog that was magically created by what became known as healers.

For the first time in history, Chihuahuas have been on the list of the top ten most licensed and registered dogs in many places in the US for the past year. We all know this has a lot to do with the media, but the fact that these dogs are so easy to care for and very loyal also plays a huge role. Chihuahuas also live a decently long life for dogs; They can live between fifteen and nineteen years, but most live to be sixteen.

It’s no secret that Chihuahuas are loved for their amazing intelligence, loyalty, and love for humans. Dogs are very easy to train and adapt very well to change, making them great pets for families or individuals who are constantly on the go. Dogs are so smart that they are appearing more and more on television and on the big screen. If you decide that you want one of these precious dogs, make sure it is the qualities of the dog you are looking for, not the fact that your favorite celebrity owns one.

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