The largest mortgage lenders in Puerto Rico

List of Largest Mortgage Lenders in Puerto Rico 1. Remington Financial Group, Inc.: A leading investment banker with over a decade of experience in Finance, Real Estate Investor, Equity Investor, Mortgage Consultant, Business Finance, Business Lender and Business Broker. The track record demonstrates its ability to execute competitive and innovative debt and equity. two. Financial

What is a CLUE report?

CLUE stands for Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange, which is an insurance claims clearinghouse. The idea is that all insurance companies will submit claims information for any property and owner to this clearinghouse and it will be available to all other insurance companies. This is the same clearinghouse that insurance companies use when they write auto

Risks of the BRRRR strategy

It’s trendy, and for good reason. I remember my first BRRRR strategy in 2004. I bought a house in Arvada, Colorado with hard money to fix up and flip. You wouldn’t believe it; the flip was a flop and i ended up with a problem. I was running over budget and had to cut back

Property investment in Cyprus, real estate in Cyprus

With a multitude of financial reasons to invest in a property in Cyprus or multiple properties and a number of other factors that make this the most attractive place without a doubt in all of Europe to invest. This is not simply an interpretation or biased view. Many of the UK’s leading property analysts are

Pool Cue Care Tips You Won’t Hear From Mike Massey

Now that you’ve taken the plunge and found a pool cue that really suits you, it’s a good idea to know how to care for your pool cue. You have probably seen professionals like Mike Massey, Jeanette Lee or Karen Corr take their pool cues from beautiful cases and put them together; you never see

Psychological characteristics of earrings

When you choose a pair of earrings for the day, you will involve psychology. Yes, actually, psychology is part of the choice of any of your jewelry. However, we are not interested in any other jewelry for this article but earrings. If you bother to look around, you will discover that earrings can be found

What newbies need to know about investment property financing

Basics for financing an investment property You have big dreams of owning real estate and retiring young people. You just don’t have the funds to go out and buy the properties in cash (most of us don’t either). This leads you down the path of financing with your local bank. Perhaps you already own your

Earn money for writing memoirs

Many memoirs are written for personal satisfaction, often appearing as books of less than a hundred pages that are distributed to a small number of family and friends. Often no more than twenty-five books are printed. There is no intention that the book will become an international bestseller. You can get paid to write this