Colloidal silver therapy: a re-entry into the world of medicine

Silver is said to be one of nature’s 92 chemically pure elements with proven benefits to man and is toxic to all species of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, parasites, and various viruses. Lately, this wonder metal is slowly gaining ground as a therapeutic element in the form of colloidal silver. Meanwhile, believers in this novel form

11 Things To Take On Your Next Trip To Kolli Hills

Packing your suitcase for your trip can be complicated. The first thing you will do after planning a trip is to book a good hotel in Kolli Hills. Once you’re done with hotel reservations and all other travel arrangements, the next nagging question is what to pack for the trip. This is crucial because excess

Success, the only option

You often hear people say that they can’t draw because they don’t have ‘the talent’ to even draw a straight line. When did someone say to you “Oh, I can’t play the piano, I’m so clumsy!”? Such negative mind programming often comes from critical parents, teachers, relatives, or peers. Loved ones, whom the child trusts

Why won’t the narcissistic psychopath leave me alone?

This is a common question among those who are thinking of leaving or have left an emotionally abusive partner (Narcissist, Sociopath, Borderline, etc.). While there may be some exceptions, the main reason a Psychopath does not leave someone in peace is because your target has not implemented No Contact in its real form. For example,

Will body jewelry make your good boy bad?

Every day I am more and more surprised at how fast my daughter grows. It seems that the last time I looked, she was eight years old. She is now fifteen. I am so proud of the young woman she is becoming. She is an excellent student and a good athlete and she wants to

What does your bag say about you?

I love seeing people in cities. That eclectic mix of urban city dwellers who are energetic, adventurous and headstrong in their sense of style and expression. I also love to look at which bag is bestowed on the arm of the bright youth of the city. So here’s my short psycho babble about bag-carrying performances.

Am I the narcissist? A look at inverted narcissism

In my work with victims of narcissistic abuse, I am most often asked the same question: “How do I know I’m not the narcissist?” When I asked my own therapist this question many years ago, she replied, “If you were the narcissist, you wouldn’t be asking that question, because narcissists won’t see that the problem

How to have radiant skin like the stars

Celebrities and movie stars always look perfect with glowing skin and a gorgeous smile when they are on the red carpet. This beautiful skin tone is something that viewers like you crave for above anything else. Makeup is an answer to the question of how to get radiant skin; but a much better answer is

Swollen Taste Buds: Cause for Concern?

Most people have had swollen, irritated, or painful taste buds at some point in their lives. Fortunately, in most cases this is not a serious problem and there is no need to seek medical attention. Simple home remedies can often help reduce discomfort. More serious causes of swollen taste buds include allergies and some diseases