How to reduce belly fat?

A fat belly is considered more risky than fat in other parts of the body. Studies show that belly fat leads to elevated blood pressure, cholesterol levels, blood sugar, and heart disease. Because of this, it can be said that waist circumference and fat distribution are more important than actual weight in predicting health risks.

Why losing fat can make you look fatter and how to fix it

Why Losing Fat Can Make You Look Fatter I have seen this time and time again when people start their fat loss journey. At some point, while losing pounds, you may very well end up looking a little flabbier than before. First of all… DON’T PANIC!! We are going to talk about why this happens

What is food dehydration?

Preserving food by drying has been around for as long as man has been hunting and trapping prey. Hunters would lay out pieces of meat and let the sun and wind dry them naturally to have food for the future. This process would dry out the food, preventing the growth of microorganisms and spoilage. Everything

Fat Burning Furnace: The Best Weight Loss Program

Losing weight is something that many people have a hard time with, the thing is, the only way you are really going to lose pounds is if you do something about it. If you think that having a program will help you become more disciplined, then you should find one that can get you on

Learn how to lose weight fast! Safe and effective weight loss

Learn how to lose weight fast with this healthy approach to weight loss Losing weight can be a challenge for many people. Being overweight is associated with many different health risks, including heart attack, stroke, and diabetes, just to name a few. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, obesity has more than doubled

7 tips for a healthy digestive system

Having a healthy digestive system is extremely important. Whether you’re a bodybuilder or average Joe, it’s important for your body to break down and digest food and turn it into energy as efficiently as possible. “Your digestive system breaks down the food you eat into the nutrients your body needs. If you neglect your digestive

Creme puternice antireumatice pentru articulații dureroase

antireumatice pentru articulații dureroase Multe simptome ale poliartritei reumatoide (AR), inclusiv durerea și umflarea, sunt ameliorate prin medicamentele fără prescripție medicală (OTC) pe care le luați pe cale orală sau prin aplicarea de creme pe articulațiile afectate. Dacă ameliorarea durerii artritei OTC nu funcționează, discutați cu medicul dumneavoastră despre un plan de management al RA

Shrink your stomach with a diet

Did you know that the ideal size of the stomach is highly related to your eating habits? The fact is that, in 2014, around 39 percent of adults over the age of 18 are overweight and around 13 percent are obese. How could this happen? The best answer to this is the implementation of unhealthy

How glutamine can help tone your body and firm your skin

There are a couple of things you must have when you exercise: you must have a good nutrition plan in place, you must get enough rest, etc. To “complement” this list of must-haves is the glutamine supplement (excuse the pun). Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, whether you’re trying to lose weight, get bigger,

Have you tried these natural remedies as a cure for acid reflux?

If you suffer from acid reflux, did you know that there are many natural remedies that you can try to help eliminate and prevent the symptoms? Natural remedies can be an excellent alternative or complement to medications. Also, they can often be included in your diet. The following is a list of natural remedies for