Interview – Robert Harmon and Eric Red

[This interview took place in 1986.] the hitchhiker Directed by Robert Harmon Screenplay by Eric Red Breaking into Hollywood is rarely easy. It takes talent, persistence, determination and a lot of luck. Director Robert Harmon and screenwriter Eric Red have brought all of the above together to create the hitchhikera new thriller starring C. Thomas

Before You Buy: A Checklist for Buying a Car

There are actually four areas to consider when buying a car. You must determine: The vehicle you need (versus the one you want) The value of the vehicle (what it is worth) The financial considerations for the purchase (how you will pay for it) and the mechanical integrity of the car (is it mechanically sound)

How to motivate your children and how not to do it!

Chaim Ginott was a school teacher whose ideas and observations helped spark a revolution in the way teachers interact with their young students. Later he practiced as a psychologist. The phone rang, he recounts in one of his books, early on the Monday after Thanksgiving weekend. The woman on the line was clearly very agitated.

Advantages of buying through a car dealer

If you’re in the market for a new car, and by new, we mean new to you, which in most cases means a new used car, now you have so many options these days. You can go to TradeMe, you can go online where there are a lot of great deals, but where you have

How to make money online and create wealth on the internet

Creating cash from the Internet involves offering a Service or a Product. Let’s take a quick look at these two business models. 1. Offering a Service to earn money online Some websites make money by offering an online identity and service built up over the years and people feel comfortable doing business with them because

Future scope of mechanical engineering career

Engineering is by far the most conventional and substantial career option of all. While there are various streams that one can pursue, the one with a knack for automation and mechanics should certainly opt for a B.Tech mechanical engineering course. The reason is that it is considered the most lucrative and perennial branch of engineering

The Ford Motors Journey

Henry Ford began the journey of Ford Motors in the year 1903. Since the incorporation of the organization, Ford Motors has grown to become one of the largest players in the automotive industry. For the past 100-plus years, Ford has succeeded in pushing the boundaries of automotive technology and introducing cars that have earned the

Interesting Steadicam shots little known in the history of cinema

When filmmakers, film students, and movie buffs talk about famous and memorable steadicam shots, a narrow list of shots always comes up, such as the Copacabana shot in “Goodfellas,” the chase sequence in “Carlito’s Way,” or the flat title “Raging Bull” wrestling match. But now the Steadicam has been used on film for over 30